Semper Fidelis Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 880
Installation meeting 9th November 2023 at the Masonic Hall, The Esplanade Fleetwood.
The Lodge was opened by the Worshipful Commander Tom Egan in the presence of the RWPGM and the Deputy PGM and a number of distinguished Brethren from around the coast, including WBro John Forster who was looking much improved after a significant period of ill health.
It was also good to see WBro Brian Burgess Dicks out and about.
A memoriam for WBro Edwin Fisher was read out by WBro Harry Cox and the Brethren stood for a period of reflection in memory of WBro Fisher.
The Worshipful Commander conducted the ceremony of installation of his successor Bro Roy Rhodes in an excellent, sincere and proficient manner.
A number of Officers of the Lodge were unable to attend on this occasion and will have to be invested at the next meeting.

A cheque for £250 for Charity was presented to the RWPGM by the new Worshipful Commander.

The Brethren retired to the bar for refreshment and then onto the festive board for an excellent meal and a great atmosphere.
WBro Giles Berkely extended his raffle winning streak to 6 on the bounce!
At the end of the evening the Worshipful Commander presented the RWPGM with a Christmas cake for the approaching festivities.

WBro Ernie Gavan closed the meeting with the Warders toast.

A good night was had by all!
Words and pictures by Tony Cross